Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The Dangers Of Sea Life

Here are my thoughts on the dangers of sea life.

Sometimes they even float on the surface. Most marine life that is harmless. Some should be avoided whenever possible.

Sharks are a concern and popular shark attacks can happen. But, statistically, are rare unless you go to where the water travels are throwing chum to attract sharks. Most SeaLife meet is less lethal but far more common and some are still inflict painful wounds.

Portuguese Man-o'-War jellyfish and similar species are probably the most common problem for surfers. They are difficult to detect and easily provoked to bite. The bite injects a toxin through a painful bite with a tab on the end. The results of the pain can be severe, lasting from minutes to hours of agony.

If you see them, if possible. Unlike most animals, there are efforts to prevent human beings, at least not the efforts are generally successful. They are accustomed to using their attributes to paralyze the prey.

If you contact, try removing the jelly as soon as possible. If this is the whole animal, which sometimes can be excluded from your arm or leg, or a part that is broken. Remove any stinger as quickly as possible. The more the animal is in contact, the toxin that you are getting.

Remove at once can result in a few minutes of intense discomfort. At a certain dose, the toxin that causes pain in the lymph glands, usually in the armpits. This is an experience you never want to have. Last May several hours.

The races are less common in many areas, but occur in some places to surf. They have a tail that contains a spiny protrusion. They are less likely to strike and are more difficult to provoke, but the contact can be painful or even lethal. Although it was a rare incident, the famous animal scientist, Steve Irwin, the Crocodile Hunter, died when he was stabbed in the chest by a stingray.

There are other sedentary marine creatures, which can cause discomfort, disorientation or injury.

Coral reefs are alive with all sorts of prickly creatures, raw, and others that produce abrasions and cuts. Few are poisonous, but most are painful to swim. If your card works in a shallow area in which the feet or legs are in contact with a reef is likely to be beaten.

Exercise common sense, wear a wetsuit if you plan to be in an area that contains SeaLife dangerous, and not for trouble. You have more time for surfing.

Wear a bathing suit in the sun and swimwear UV protection when outdoors, surfing or swimming, since the sun's UV rays can reflect on many surfaces and causes damage to the skin.

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