Monday, August 31, 2009

Big shock of a little sea creatures

Here are my thoughts on a big shock for little sea creatures.

A recent study funded by the National Science Foundation, more than 100 computers that are used to analyze the evolutionary history of animals before the Earth. In the 19th century, Charles Darwin introduced the idea that all living organisms in the form of a tree of life from which the branch out of the various species. Even if the tree at the moment seems more like a bush of a real tree, supporters of Darwin have not completely ruled out the basic idea.

Evolutionary biologists had previously assumed that the creatures that have left the straight trunk of the trees, before the more complex. Therefore, they believed that the sponge was the first animal that branch.

However, research results, published April 10 issue of the British science journal Nature, was a great surprise and disappointment for evolutionists. Casey Dunn, whose research team made the breakthrough, said second, "This was a complete surprise so shocking that at first he thought he had gone very wrong."

Results were so disturbing that the researchers had to check again and again several times before they were willing to believe what he had discovered.

The first animal that branch was not the towel, but the rubber comb. This is important in that the comb jelly has tissues and a nervous system that are complex systems of thought have developed much later. A sponge, in contrast, is a more "primitive" creature, lacking the tissues and nervous system. Dunn suggested that the first animal was more complex than previously thought.

In other words, the results were diametrically opposed to the expectations of scientists in support of the theory of evolution. However, most of them probably are not willing to part with his favorite theory, but only sought to trim the tree of life, even if part of it is now clearly the opposite.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Dead Sea Salt

Here are my thoughts Dead Sea Salt.

Dead Sea, Dead Sea salt comes, which is more than 30% salt compared to the oceans, which is only 3% salt. It got its name because there is no life in it. These salts can soothe and improve many skin diseases and therapeutic services, and muscle aches. Many people go so far as the Middle East, only to swim in the sea. I will mention a few things to help the Dead Sea salts are known, then.

Skin diseases may very aggravating and uncomfortable to watch. They can be very annoying and depressing. Eczema and psoriasis are two very common skin condition that can greatly benefit from the minerals in the sea. It can bring relief to improve the itching, and even his own state. People love to get rid of these salts use and clear acne pimples. It works well and rub into the skin rid toxins in the skin, so that you get silky smooth skin. It also contains anti-aging products that will help prevent skin aging and wrinkles.

Those who suffer from insomnia or other stress-related condition, also benefit from bathing in salt water. Because of the exceptional amount of minerals is a lot of therapeutic benefits. You can create a Dead Sea salt bath is a luxury in your own home. They are sold in the form of stones and mud at drugstores and supermarkets. Just bathed in half an hour and feel the stress leave your body.

Bathing in the tub and bath salts, which contribute to muscle tension and joint pain. Salt minerals can help people with muscle pain and other painful conditions such as arthritis, rheumatism and osteoporosis.

There are a number of other conditions and symptoms, which significantly improved the Dead Sea salt. Skin diseases, therapeutic benefit, and muscle pain are just some of the most common complaints, to facilitate and enhance the Dead Sea salt is found. The best thing is that there are no side effects.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Deep Sea Chameleons

Here are my thoughts on the deep sea chameleons.

The creature of which myths and legends are born. It leaves us with the charm and wonder. We love surreal properties and strive to try to understand their function. This does not happen, as we humans have been considered only in its nature and uses, and the call between the dream world of the sea and the creatures of the Earth. Those who imagine they come from another realm.

In the reality of things, this chameleon of the sea is the sea horse, whose strong point of an unusual beauty has become his greatest shortcoming. The sea horses are found in most worlds, shallow seas from north to south, the English Channel Tasman Sea and the eastern Pacific.

The Knysna River estuary, Rio Keurboom and lagoons are home Swartvlei the only known surviving species of horse Sea estuary of the Knysna seahorse, Hippocampus capensis.

South African National Parks protects Hippocampus capensis, the Knysna Sea Horse Group as a prohibited species, and nobody can take it or alter it. The number and type of fish you are allowed to take rules on Marine Living Resources Act (No 18 of 1998). If someone wanted to keep a seahorse captive license is issued by the Minister of Environment and Tourism.

Seahorses in captivity in marine aquariums and can only hope that this deployment of education to encourage people to refrain from sea horses that have been dried and encapsulated in resin as key chains and weights.

The horse is a fish of the sea is very unusual, with a backbone, gills, swim bladder and fins. This is a real fish and as such, I like to imagine that, in seawater, changing its color to match your environment and the settlement of the tail around a little plant material, while the tides and currents Knysna heads through.
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