Monday, September 28, 2009
Predators of The Sea
Tiger sharks are one of the most fascinating species of sharks, with a distinctive appearance and properties, and the alarming threat to humans. This beautiful aquatic creatures that live primarily in tropical, temperate climates, and are considered sacred in Hawaii. To protect species of shark conservation projects specifically focused on tiger sharks in use, and these creatures of the ocean are often the volunteer center for marine conservation.
Tiger sharks are a species very large shark, which grows at a frightening about 4 m long and weighing up to 635 kg. With this scale, it is not surprising that they constitute a threat to humans, especially because they like shallow water tropical disturbance. For the brave, however, those interested in the experience of marine conservation biology of these animals up close, free of cages or glass separates.
Hunt for Prey
Besides their assessment of a human will tasty tiger sharks eat almost anything, the conservation of sharks and workers do not focus on a lack of food for these mammals. As predators, their daily diet consists of small sharks, turtles, seals and other fish, and as hunters, they are excellent, they have the choice of the ocean. They are also excellent hunters and their ability to find and catch prey is impeccable. Their heightened senses mean that they can catch their prey with comparative ease. With their excellent eyesight, they can spot prey a mile away, even in troubled waters. And their sense of smell means that even a small amount of blood can feel very remote and are able to trace the unsuspecting victim. They also have the remarkable ability to collect frequency waves to low pressure, so they know when something moves and lives in nearby waters.
But they are also known for their inability to distinguish between what food and what is undesirable, and a number of elements of human waste were found in their stomachs. From plates to car wheel bike, these animals will eat almost anything. Thus, while lack of food in May did not include environmentalists tiger shark, is the pollution of the sea with garbage more disturbing.
Attacks on humans
Since the hunting abilities of large tiger sharks, they form a certain degree of risk to humans. In fact, they are responsible for a large percentage of fatal attacks on humans, one of the great white shark. While environmentalists and marine biology Hawaiians who believe that the tiger shark is too sacred to pursue the animal, bathers and tourists have a different opinion to keep! But it is important to keep in mind that tourist activities, such as Shark Cage Diving is also responsible for attracting sharks in shallow waters over populated, yet another problem for conservationists to address sharks
Friday, September 25, 2009
The Tsunami Warning Systen In Indonesia
Nobody in the current period will remember the 200,000 victims of the Indonesian tsunami, caused by the earthquake in Sumatra on Christmas Eve. But what is done in the region while still maintaining high seismic active volcanoes and earthquakes? The Pacific region needs to fire warning system, with the Indian Ocean, there are also seismic activity in the Caribbean and we consider here systems.
Indeed, there are some good things being done to save lives in another 200,000 people die, the next time there is not a tsunami or major earthquake, which triggered. Like the Japanese, Americans and some other countries are installing warning systems for tsunamis in the world, time is also important, most systems in place, the safer of the civilizations of the man by the water and there are problems now with volcanoes and some people will not leave because they believe that the volcano is safe passage for the final journey in life? And the volcanoes are an environmental nightmare for people and nature. Although some might say it's just cleaning up the earth so that it can start a new project and part of the cycle?
There are two hundred years of the 4 major earthquakes over 6 and 7 also. The region is very active seismic and tsunami alarm helps warn people of impending tsunami wave so that all people living in the time zone near the coast to evacuate. Consider this in 2006.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Cyclone Nargis
Nargis formed into a tropical cyclone on April 27, 2008, in the central bay of Bengal about 360 miles off the southeast coast of India. Cyclone Nargis was, when they landed at the mouth of the Ayeyawaddy (Irrawaddy) River, about 220 km south-west of Rangoon, a category four storm on the Saffir-Simpson scale of hurricane, with sustained winds of 132 mph. Nargis is the deadliest cyclone to hit Asia since 1991, when 143,000 people died in Bangladesh from a cyclone in the country this year. The formation of Nargis in the Bay of Bengal coincides with the start of hurricane season in the northern Indian Ocean, which generally runs from April to December.
Burma hit by Nargis, is undergoing a natural disaster and human. As Nargis swept the Irrawaddy River delta, hitting the region with winds, storm surges and heavy rains, tens of thousands of lives lost. Burma is isolated from the rest of the world against the best times. The nature of the disaster, the vast area involved and the secrecy and mistrust of the Burmese government, it is impossible for an accurate account of the tragic loss of rights to obtain, but some are treasures of life lost in the hundreds of thousands, instead of dozens. This brings the disaster of Nargis on equal terms with the tsunami of Boxing Day 2004 killed 300,000 people.
Tropical storms are among the systems most powerful and destructive weather events on earth. They are a product of the interaction between the atmosphere and oceans. The pressure recorded in the centers of tropical cyclones are among the lowest that occur on the surface of the earth at sea level
Despite the long season, region, Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea, has averaged a little over five such storms per year, with only two full tropical cyclones. Tropical cyclones are compact, round of storms, generally some 320 km (200 miles) in diameter, whose winds revolve around a central area of low pressure. The winds are driven by the nucleus at low pressure and the rotation of the Earth, which deflects the path of the wind through a phenomenon known as the Coriolis force. As a result, tropical cyclones rotate in an anti-clock (or cyclones) direction in the northern hemisphere and a clockwise (or anticyclonic) direction in the Southern Hemisphere.
In the world's tropical cyclones were informally second given names of women in the Army U. S. Air Corp and Navy meteorologists (after their girlfriends or women) who were monitoring and forecasting of hurricanes on the Pacific Ocean. From 1950 to 1952, tropical cyclones of the North Atlantic Ocean were identified by the phonetic alphabet (Able-Baker-Charlie-etc. While a hurricane can generate strong winds and heavy rains, they are also able to produce high waves and storm surges harmful. Although their effects on human populations can be devastating, tropical cyclones can also relieve drought.
Tropical cyclones are known by different names in different parts of the world. In the Atlantic Ocean and North Pacific Ocean, north-east, they are called hurricanes, and the Pacific Northwest around the Philippines, Japan and China the storms are called typhoons. In the Western Pacific and Indian Oceans are alternately referred to as tropical cyclones, typhoons or simply cyclones. All these different names refer to the same type of storm.
With rising global temperatures adding energy to the weather systems on Earth there is a chance that storms across Nargis May be greater, once again the huge impact of the huge population of vulnerable coastal areas and Delta in the world.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Sea Pollution
Many wastes are disposed in the sea can cause a variety of acute and chronic health conditions. The concentration, biological form, chemical form, fitness and survival of these pollutants are all aspects of whether humans would be exposed to them. There are two ways in which humans can be contaminated by such pollution. The first is direct contact or through the skin, lungs, or to be consumed, swimming in contaminated seawater would be a good way to be infected by direct contact method. The second way is an indirect way, as the consumption of plants or animals coming from the infected area.
Indirect infection is an important way in which humans are exposed to toxic organic chemicals and metals because they can be built in bio plants and animals that humans consume. Direct contamination is a less important area where people can be exposed to toxic organic chemicals and metals because they tend to the low concentration in seawater.
Persistent 'conservative' and 'pollutants such as toxic metals and PCBs break down slowly in any case, while "not conservative' and 'labile' pollutants such as biodegradable or volatile organic compounds are rapidly degraded and removed from the area. The" conservative 'and' persistent 'pollutants are the most problematic because of its persistence in the environment increases their chances of reaching and affect humans.
There are three main categories of pollutants into the sea and that can have adverse effects on human health. Early toxic metals like arsenic, cadmium, lead and mercury, synthetic organic chemicals as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), chlorinated hydrocarbons, pesticides (PCBs), specialty chemicals biphynyls biphenyls (PCBs) and the third human pathogens such as viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites.
Metals are chemical elements and can not be destroyed, broken or degenerated in the environment. Toxic metals are deposited on the sea have impacts on human health, especially arsenic, cadmium, lead and mercury. These four metals are of particular interest because they are known to be toxic to human health and are found in high concentrations in the estuaries of rivers and the sea. Chromium, selenium and copper were found in concentrations of less, but still worrying because in areas in contact with people. Consumption of contaminated fish is the main route of indirect exposure to toxic metals. Marine organisms such as fish, crabs and shellfish bio accumulate these toxic metals through their gills to swim and feed on the infected subject. Arsenic, cadmium, lead and mercury can cause acute and chronic illnesses such as gastro-intestinal bleeding, Comas, liver and nerve damage, skin and lung cancer, emphysema, anemia, kidney, liver, pancreas damage, damage to bones, blood disorders, reproductive disorders, eye damage, respiratory and skin lesions.
Organic chemicals used in industry, these chemicals used in pesticides, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and food additives. The behavior of these chemicals in natural environments ranging from accumulation of organisms that decomposes rapidly when exposed to light, heat or water to be very resilient and are metabolized by other organisms in more or less toxic compounds to the resistance against bio - degradation. Like toxic metals, organic chemicals have direct and indirect routes to human health from direct contact with organic chemicals and indirectly by ingestion of infected animals and plants. The route of direct contact is rare at sea, only organic chemicals in low concentrations, this method is not a bad effect on human health due to low concentrations. Again, as with toxic metals the indirect route of consuming contaminated seafood could be most harmful to human health. Chlorobenzenes, chlorinated pesticides, chlorinated hydrocarbons and aromatic hydrocarbons are found in seafood. These chemicals all adverse effects on human health, including causing cancer, skin and liver disorders.
Human pathogens are micro-organisms capable of inducing human diseases. Human pathogens enter the sea from the discharge of wastewater, sewage and wastewater treatment plant effluent. Pathogens are also found in commercial food waste and animal waste and organic household waste from hospitals and laboratories. Many of these pathogens are discharged to surface water or wastewater treatment plants. In rural areas, bacterial contamination from animal waste, runoff and poorly treated sewage discharge. De zee zelf is een bron van ziektekiemen die zich voordoen en verspreiden van nature in mariene wateren. Viruses and bacteria are the main waste-borne agents of human disease with respect to the concentration in the waste and the environment and the diseases they cause. Both direct and indirect exposure of humans are important aspects of human health effects. This is because only a small number of agencies are needed to cause illness. Evidence has shown that some bacteria, including known human pathogens can survive at sea for up to three months. Many parasites and viruses are very resistant to environmental destruction. Many human pathogens seem better in coastal or estuary areas of open sea survival. Large parts of the coastal waters and estuaries in the U.S. are closed shell fishing because of pollution by sewage micro-organisms. Seafood-borne bacterial diseases have been responsible for typhoid, paratyphoid, cholera and viral gastroenteritis outbreaks in the U.S.. Some diseases such as typhoid bacteria contracted by swimming or surfing in water that is contaminated with sewage. Many divers are affected by conditions such as dermatitis, wound infections and enteric diseases.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Basic Info About Octopus
The octopus is a mollusk. He belongs to the same group as chitons, abalone, snails, barnacles, mussels, oysters, clams and mussels. The octopus belongs to a sub-species of cephalopod molluscs, as known. This means head to toe and is used as the name for an octopus "feet" to be attached to the head.
Polyps tend to be small in warm tropical waters and larger in colder waters. Squids live in all oceans, but are strictly salt-water creatures. The Giant Pacific Octopus lives in the coastal waters of British Columbia and is the largest octopus in the world. The largest Giant Pacific Octopus more than 600 pounds, about the same weight of a black bear weighed caught! The tentacles of an animal stretched upwards of 33 feet in length. Obviously the octopus are generally much smaller. For example, women are rarely more than 55 pounds and males average less than 90 the giant Pacific octopus is one of the species lived longer, while the majority of octopuses live only one or two years. The male can reach up to about 4 years and females can live for up to 3.5 years.
An octopus has eight arms attached to their heads around the mouth. The "poor" are rows of suckers along their length. They are equipped with suction cups on the surface and within the nerves of many, which means that both are packaged and "taste" were things. How, for example, the giant Pacific Octopus has two rows of suckers on each arm with suction cups 1600 in all.
One of the striking things about an octopus that is has absolutely no bones. The only rigid anatomical structure and a beak, the mouth, the material is made with the nails. By the way, octopus bites are poisonous to their prey.
The octopus has an excellent and well-developed brain. You can immediately adjust the color and texture of the skin in the area. This mimicry is an important tool of protection.
The body of the octopus looks like a lot. Moves as the octopus breathes. Inside (the body), mantle, there are 3 heart, stomach and other organs. A heart that pumps blood through the individual Gill, at the end of each of the two annexes, while the third pumps blood through the body. Water flows over the gills and fills the mantle when the octopus breathes, the water is forced through a tube called the siphon as the octopus breathes. E 'can force the water through the siphon jet is fast and tries to return, when the octopus to escape a predator too. With jet engines, Octopus travel many kilometers. An octopus can protect temporarily blind an attacker to inject ink it.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
The Dangers Of Sea Life
Sometimes they even float on the surface. Most marine life that is harmless. Some should be avoided whenever possible.
Sharks are a concern and popular shark attacks can happen. But, statistically, are rare unless you go to where the water travels are throwing chum to attract sharks. Most SeaLife meet is less lethal but far more common and some are still inflict painful wounds.
Portuguese Man-o'-War jellyfish and similar species are probably the most common problem for surfers. They are difficult to detect and easily provoked to bite. The bite injects a toxin through a painful bite with a tab on the end. The results of the pain can be severe, lasting from minutes to hours of agony.
If you see them, if possible. Unlike most animals, there are efforts to prevent human beings, at least not the efforts are generally successful. They are accustomed to using their attributes to paralyze the prey.
If you contact, try removing the jelly as soon as possible. If this is the whole animal, which sometimes can be excluded from your arm or leg, or a part that is broken. Remove any stinger as quickly as possible. The more the animal is in contact, the toxin that you are getting.
Remove at once can result in a few minutes of intense discomfort. At a certain dose, the toxin that causes pain in the lymph glands, usually in the armpits. This is an experience you never want to have. Last May several hours.
The races are less common in many areas, but occur in some places to surf. They have a tail that contains a spiny protrusion. They are less likely to strike and are more difficult to provoke, but the contact can be painful or even lethal. Although it was a rare incident, the famous animal scientist, Steve Irwin, the Crocodile Hunter, died when he was stabbed in the chest by a stingray.
There are other sedentary marine creatures, which can cause discomfort, disorientation or injury.
Coral reefs are alive with all sorts of prickly creatures, raw, and others that produce abrasions and cuts. Few are poisonous, but most are painful to swim. If your card works in a shallow area in which the feet or legs are in contact with a reef is likely to be beaten.
Exercise common sense, wear a wetsuit if you plan to be in an area that contains SeaLife dangerous, and not for trouble. You have more time for surfing.
Wear a bathing suit in the sun and swimwear UV protection when outdoors, surfing or swimming, since the sun's UV rays can reflect on many surfaces and causes damage to the skin.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Big shock of a little sea creatures
A recent study funded by the National Science Foundation, more than 100 computers that are used to analyze the evolutionary history of animals before the Earth. In the 19th century, Charles Darwin introduced the idea that all living organisms in the form of a tree of life from which the branch out of the various species. Even if the tree at the moment seems more like a bush of a real tree, supporters of Darwin have not completely ruled out the basic idea.
Evolutionary biologists had previously assumed that the creatures that have left the straight trunk of the trees, before the more complex. Therefore, they believed that the sponge was the first animal that branch.
However, research results, published April 10 issue of the British science journal Nature, was a great surprise and disappointment for evolutionists. Casey Dunn, whose research team made the breakthrough, said second, "This was a complete surprise so shocking that at first he thought he had gone very wrong."
Results were so disturbing that the researchers had to check again and again several times before they were willing to believe what he had discovered.
The first animal that branch was not the towel, but the rubber comb. This is important in that the comb jelly has tissues and a nervous system that are complex systems of thought have developed much later. A sponge, in contrast, is a more "primitive" creature, lacking the tissues and nervous system. Dunn suggested that the first animal was more complex than previously thought.
In other words, the results were diametrically opposed to the expectations of scientists in support of the theory of evolution. However, most of them probably are not willing to part with his favorite theory, but only sought to trim the tree of life, even if part of it is now clearly the opposite.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Dead Sea Salt
Dead Sea, Dead Sea salt comes, which is more than 30% salt compared to the oceans, which is only 3% salt. It got its name because there is no life in it. These salts can soothe and improve many skin diseases and therapeutic services, and muscle aches. Many people go so far as the Middle East, only to swim in the sea. I will mention a few things to help the Dead Sea salts are known, then.
Skin diseases may very aggravating and uncomfortable to watch. They can be very annoying and depressing. Eczema and psoriasis are two very common skin condition that can greatly benefit from the minerals in the sea. It can bring relief to improve the itching, and even his own state. People love to get rid of these salts use and clear acne pimples. It works well and rub into the skin rid toxins in the skin, so that you get silky smooth skin. It also contains anti-aging products that will help prevent skin aging and wrinkles.
Those who suffer from insomnia or other stress-related condition, also benefit from bathing in salt water. Because of the exceptional amount of minerals is a lot of therapeutic benefits. You can create a Dead Sea salt bath is a luxury in your own home. They are sold in the form of stones and mud at drugstores and supermarkets. Just bathed in half an hour and feel the stress leave your body.
Bathing in the tub and bath salts, which contribute to muscle tension and joint pain. Salt minerals can help people with muscle pain and other painful conditions such as arthritis, rheumatism and osteoporosis.
There are a number of other conditions and symptoms, which significantly improved the Dead Sea salt. Skin diseases, therapeutic benefit, and muscle pain are just some of the most common complaints, to facilitate and enhance the Dead Sea salt is found. The best thing is that there are no side effects.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Deep Sea Chameleons
The creature of which myths and legends are born. It leaves us with the charm and wonder. We love surreal properties and strive to try to understand their function. This does not happen, as we humans have been considered only in its nature and uses, and the call between the dream world of the sea and the creatures of the Earth. Those who imagine they come from another realm.
In the reality of things, this chameleon of the sea is the sea horse, whose strong point of an unusual beauty has become his greatest shortcoming. The sea horses are found in most worlds, shallow seas from north to south, the English Channel Tasman Sea and the eastern Pacific.
The Knysna River estuary, Rio Keurboom and lagoons are home Swartvlei the only known surviving species of horse Sea estuary of the Knysna seahorse, Hippocampus capensis.
South African National Parks protects Hippocampus capensis, the Knysna Sea Horse Group as a prohibited species, and nobody can take it or alter it. The number and type of fish you are allowed to take rules on Marine Living Resources Act (No 18 of 1998). If someone wanted to keep a seahorse captive license is issued by the Minister of Environment and Tourism.
Seahorses in captivity in marine aquariums and can only hope that this deployment of education to encourage people to refrain from sea horses that have been dried and encapsulated in resin as key chains and weights.
The horse is a fish of the sea is very unusual, with a backbone, gills, swim bladder and fins. This is a real fish and as such, I like to imagine that, in seawater, changing its color to match your environment and the settlement of the tail around a little plant material, while the tides and currents Knysna heads through.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Monsters in Greek mythology
Ancient culture was no longer a dramatic impact on Western civilization than the Greeks. Greek Mythology fascinates and amuses us today. One of the most fascinating elements of Greek mythology, is the large amount of stories of monsters and monsters that have pleasure, entertainment and education through the ages. Even the modern artists are based on a history of many a hero chasing a monster sized impossible, terrible and overwhelming powers cunning.
Greek mythological monsters are as numerous as the gods and goddesses associated with them. Some monsters have been created by a god to send a warning message for his anger or offend one or other deadly deadly creature monster turned on as a form of punishment for some horrible crime. Some monsters are spawning or rearing of power between gods and mortals. Exists in most of the stories have been told to present a moral and a warning to trick-resistant humans who do not take into account their gods.
Stories of ancient Greece, are full of monsters, many of whom it is said again and again today. Who has not heard about the Medusa vile? A priestess punished by the gods for his indiscriminate sexual abilities? Or the brave and heroic slayer Perseus who valiantly for his bad hair snakes that were so terrible that people in stone for him? Greek mythological monsters live today in the form of films, television programs and video games. Some of the most popular are the stories of monster creatures like Cerberus, the giant three-headed dog that guarded the passage to the underworld, has recently appeared in the popular series of films of Harry Potter.
The Mediterranean is an area that depends heavily on trade and travel by sea, many monsters are tied to the sea. In the modern world, we need to fear the sailors mystifying siren that would lead to punishment for his sailors to attract with its fascinating rock song, or the great servant of Poseidon kraken of perdition. But in ancient times, these monsters are feared and revered. Many an old traveler has paid tribute to the monsters of the greek pantheon, in an attempt to placate the anger of the gods and demigods pray for a safe passage through their territory.
Other terrible monsters lived on earth as well. The Harpies were ugly birds with large claws and faces of women whose screams curdle milk. Known children were stolen, leading men to their fate in rocks of the mountains and lonely horrible smell. There are literally dozens of groups of people and threatening deadly Mesmerize simply by their mere presence. Satyrs, nymphs and fauna are a fantastic breed of creatures that this is beautiful, but dangerous and even deadly to humans, as they are based on their magic and are mortal world, enjoying the pleasures of the event and make nymphly Be sure to enjoy of themselves, losing a few years of his death in dallying with these mystifying creatures.
Centaurs are human, half horse creatures who had a disastrous hatred for man kind, and often in villages destroyed, waylaid travels a lot and has caused difficulties in general.
Some seeds were monsters or are descendants of the great gods and goddesses. Other agents were of supernatural deity. Many came from mother earth in its unions. Gigantes, creatures large and small are often born of reasoning Gaea, the Greek goddess of the earth and his consort. They were a terrible scourge of mankind, for sneaking under the mountain or outside the forest to steal the cows and the sheep and then the chaos and destruction of some unsuspecting citizens. The Chimera was a giant monster created by the union of two gods and Echinda Typhoon. He had the body of a goat, tail of a serpent and a lion's head that breathes fire. If the head was cut off, two grow in its place. These creatures are very popular in video games. The Cyclops are also children of Gaea, being humanoid with a great temperament and a bad eye centered in the middle of his forehead. Completed many tasks of the gods over the centuries and not play. For the most part served as guardians of the gods as they were colossally strong and great warriors.
The list goes on and on mythological monsters like the greek is a great storyteller's imagination and a great desire to entertain the audience. Each monster, even if the goal of serving the narrator to amaze the audience with his heroic exploits and how to use their powerful talents, is also used to teach. Many an important moral to be drawn from this analysis epic tales that do not perish, for many centuries to come.
Monday, July 27, 2009
The Evolution Of Shark
Carcharodon carcharias, is best known as the great white shark is one of the most feared creatures on earth. Long sharks have been feared and admired throughout history. We wrote the books on the cinema, and both tried to kill the shark and saved in recent years.
But when the shark is coming? Some people believe that sharks are fish.
While sharks are related to fish, is very distant in relation to the branching out of millions of years ago. Four million years ago, when the Devonian era, was a lot of fish, such as bony fish, bathing waters. Finally, new species evolved Chondrichthyes. Over time it developed into the species we know as the sharks and rays.
The oldest known shark Megalodon is a, or "Big Tooth." This was an old fossilized shark whose teeth have been found in many parts of the world. They are there 18 million years ago, at the same time, which is known as the Miocene period. I will give you an example of how large, can open their jaws to seven meters high and six feet wide and your body may be increased to 100 meters long! They could easily swallow a person whole.
Therefore, the sharks are really as dangerous as believed to be? There are many debates on this topic. Some people want to destroy all species of shark, while others want to save and preserve it. Although a great white shark is one of the most feared is the reality in a few reports of fatalities from shark attacks each year. So what is myth and what is in fact the shark?
Mito-Shark Attack error because people are seals.
It is very studied, and investigators have reason to believe that sharks can be dismissed. Their behavior when attacked by a seal of humans against attack is different. So why sharks attack? We can not say for sure, but when you think about it, they are "their" turf industry work makes us fair game.
Mito-Sharks have poor eyesight.
This is also true. So as not to confuse the people of the stamps are a very good eye sight. It is true, however, that sharks are the smell and taste amazing that they can use their teeth to investigate the matter. This may be a white shark landed people still swim away after.
Mito-sharks can not survive in freshwater.
Although rare, there is a certain kind of shark that can survive a short period of time in freshwater.
What is the best way to avoid a shark attack? There are some fairly simple steps that most visitors to the beach are recommended. A swim in a group, keep the sun off the water at night and early morning (this is where the sharks like to feed), are out of the water if bleeding and finally, if you see a shark, stay away !
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Whales Evolution
Records indicate changes in the whales took years until today the mammals, its huge tail and dive out of sight, only to surface again to the delight of the camera ready tourists whale watching. Scientists know that whales are mammals whose ancestors went to the earth once. The next life with respect to the whales are deer, cows, sheep, pigs, giraffes, camels and hippos.
Wal has 15 million years, in order of creatures, the earth moved to the largest mammals in the ocean.
The development of the limbs, teeth, kidneys and other organs to the changing water pressure is another phenomenon of nature. Cetaceans, even to change their ears to hear and see the direction of the sound. The process will echo location is the way whales, hunt and survive.
Scientists to determine that all mammals live in the country must breathe air from the surface, the bones of their fins seem to be articulated in the hands of land mammals and the vertical movement of the spikes should be similar to the implementation of the mammals that horizontal movement of the fish. Fossils of whales all these features of land living mammals.
The pigs from India, Indohyus, is the relative shortness of the actual whales and dolphins. Fossils, by Hans Thewissen of the Northeastern University in Ohio, shows the relationship between whales and the deer-like ancestors.
Fossil skeleton shows leg bones were very thick, like hippos, sea otters and manatees. They ended the heavier bones of mammals swim float by default and allows you to hang up and diving into the water easier. You can now with manatees in Florida waters.
The changes reflected in fossil studies suggest that there was a movement to the water. This is a change of diet, the whales from land to sea. Scientists believe that whales were fleeing from predators. The whales are carnivorous aquatic delicacies.
Whales have no tear glands, skin glands and olfactory sense. The whales can hear, but it has no external ear opening. All whales have a series of small muscles that there is no external support ears. This shows that if the whales are able to their ears, like animals, the land for directional hearing. Modern whales hear through vibrations.
Paleontological could change in the shape of the skull, the shape of the teeth, the position of the nose, the size and structure of the anterior and posterior limbs, the size and shape of the tail and the structure of the middle ear. All these changes have been made by fossil evidence and explain in detail the adaptation of the whale's life on earth to make life in the sea.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Orlando's Sea World
Education, Entertainment, conservation of wildlife and emotions are what you can expect to SeaWorld Orlando. This park was the most popular marine life park in the world, and lives up to its reputation.
At SeaWorld, you can choose from close to dolphins, stingrays, turtles, water, penguins and other creatures live, that the oceans of the earth. Let's look at some of the attractions you can experience in this park
The Wild Arctic is a popular favorite. Please enter a frozen wonderland with walls of ice, nearly half-inch thick. The exploration of these multi-ecosystem level, you meet rich wildlife of the Arctic apparently on the old ship. Among these meetings, face to face with real walruses, Beluga whales, and the two famous polar bears named Klondike and Snow.
Do you like penguins? If yes, then there should be a point to see the Penguin Encounter attraction. There's Sea World "from the Antarctic," and here you can penguins waddle on yourself and enjoy.
Spokes has a terrible name, but unlike the name and reputation are among the most docile animals on the sea. Visit the Stingray Lagoon Sea World and to 200 rays glide through the waters of a protected home. If you move your hand just below the surface, you could create a velvety "High Five", as by swimming. In a school nearby, Stingray pups learn and play under the watchful eye of SeaWorld's Animal Care Experts always on hand to tell you everything you want to know about these lovely, mysterious creatures.
To Turtle Point, you can reach the 300 turtles, the tiny hatchlings to 6-foot-long leather shoulders. To Turtle Point, you can also find and watch some of the species threatened with extinction and sea turtles. Here, these statements are prehistoric reptiles in a natural lagoon with beach, dunes and plants.
Pacific Point Preserve is a nature reserve with Los Angeles, California sea lions. Here you can meet, touch and even feed some of these remarkable animals. Make sure you have a job at Pacific Point Preserve feeding time and were on treatment. This was once again the community of California sea lions and harbor seals are always ready, a lot of fun with their voices and lively endless antics.
In addition to the wonder and excitement of seeing the amazing creatures from the sea nearby, the park also has walking seaside themed thrill. One of the most recent trip was to Atlantis.
Here's how the Sea World website,, describes this way: "Brave turns, turns, and watery falls of mythic proportions, like the mysterious lost city of Atlantis water aboard this thrilling coaster ride. A journey through a dark water passage through this sunken city, the Sirens, whose anger at the driver raises some of the steep, wet fall find Racing to send the doors of the poor fate of utopian paradise. "You can expect to get wet on this ride , in preparation.
Up to thrill, SeaWorld is also home of the octopus, the tallest, fastest, longest and only Floorless roller coaster in Orlando. This is correct, no bottom! Imagine a roller coaster, which takes you to a height of 15 floors, and you put on the head seven times at speeds up to 65 mph! Wow, that noise, and can only be found at SeaWorld. (You must be 54 cm tall to drive).
After being excited by the horse and around the sea creatures that you can chill out in the park of entertainment and dining area, known as the Waterfront. There is no doubt about SeaWorld is a combination of leisure, entertainment, emotion and is sure to put a smile on every member of your family.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Explore the Shapes of South Sea Cultured Pearls
Here some fact about Pearls.
Pearls aren't cut or polished into form, they just "grow" that way. Their shape is usually determined by the shape of the bead or nucleus that is inserted into their oyster host. Consider, for instance, one of the most famous pear-shaped pearls, La Peregrina. Currently owned by Elizabeth Taylor (a gift from her ex-husband Richard Burton) this pearl demonstrates that it's often the shape of a pearl that makes it truly beautiful.
In fact, the shapes of pearls can dramatically enhance their exotic allure, especially in varieties such as the coveted South Sea cultured pearl. Though these pearls fall into three main pearl shape categories, the variations within those is where their unique character resides.
The three main categories of South Sea cultured pearl shapes are:
- Spherical - also considered the "classic" pearl shape, these are round or nearly round.
- Symmetrical - pearls that are balanced to the point that if they were cut in half, both halves would be mirror images of each other.
- Baroque - these irregular pearls display no symmetry and are often labeled as abstract.
- Round - these are perfectly Spherical and are most often used in the classic strand pearl necklace or pearl rope.
- Near-round - though these pearls may have areas of slight flatness or elongation, they are still considered Spherical and may also be used in classic strand necklaces.
- Oval - more narrow at then ends than in the middle, these pearls also exhibit symmetry, classifying them as Symmetrical.
- Button - just as the name suggests, these pearls have a button-like appearance and are classified as Symmetrical.
- Drop - also known as teardrop or pear-shaped, these pearls are considered Symmetrical, and showcased most often in pearl drop earrings and pendant necklaces.
- Circlé - this anomaly has more recently emerged as it's own shape variation in the Symmetrical category, and displays one or more rings on round, oval and drop shapes.
- Semi-baroque - slightly irregular in shape, these pearls may be oval, button, or drop in shape, but lack the symmetry to be classified as Symmetrical, resulting in their categorization as Baroque.
- Baroque - these pearls exhibit complete irregularity and non-symmetry, resembling abstract shapes or non-spherical forms such as sticks or stars. They are also categorized as Baroque.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
An Oasis Of Wonderful Sea Creatures
If you are one of the people who love visiting the place called Mystic Aquarium, you will surely enjoy the new Mystic Aquarium that had opened in the early spring last year 1998. There are plenty of renovations made and was made perfect for all those who loves aquamarine life. Aside from all the renovations made, the visitors will now enjoy more than 3.500 new specimens of marine life coming from around the world. There are 200 species of different kinds and more than 34 exhibits that you can truly enjoy.
The famous “island of life” which is Ocean Planet Pavilion has also improved. With new graphic and layout, you will not only enjoy the majestic scene but you will be amazed on how these spectacular facilities are made. You will see four exhibits that feature all forms of marine life.
The river in this particular area carry a 400 million tons of organic materials used as a habitat that supports different forms of marine life. You will also like this particular site as it appears to be real especially if birds are around. Children and adult are able to get close to marine creatures such as sea horses, crabs, mudskippers, octopus and many more famous aquatic living things.
You will also love the coral reefs found underwater. This is one of the favorite attractions. Almost 28 foot and 30,000 gallon of tank is the habitat for different types of fishes swimming around the brightly colored coral reefs. The reefs may appear to be real. Many are fascinated upon knowing that these coral reefs are only artificial.
You will also find coral polyps under the water scene. These are small and soft bodied animals living in a colonies. They are made up of calcium carbonate and in longer period of time, it grows bigger and bigger forming shapes. They are called coral reefs.
It also serves as an educational venue for students. Mostly, it is visited by many students for educational tours and research. With plenty of species, the student will be in touched with all the marine creatures from around the world. They do not need to go to different places in the planet to appreciate them.
If you are curious about the place, visit it now and experience a once in a life time opportunity to get close with all the marine creatures from around the world. You will miss half of your life if you do not move now.
Monday, July 20, 2009
5 Sea Animals You Can See at Tangalooma
Tangalooma is a resort area on Moreton Island in Queensland's Moreton Bay. It what once a whaling station, the largest land based whaling station in the Southern hemisphere which is quite a feat as it was only open 10 years. Today, Tangalooma is more famous for its beauty and the sea life you can view and learn about. Find out what are the top 5 marine animals you might see on a trip to Tangalooma.
When you leave Brisbane on the boat launch to Tangalooma, it is hard to imagine what you are going to experience. Brisbane shores are not the most appealing. They are in sharp contrast to the sandy beaches of the Sunshine and Gold Coasts. So what could this barren looking bay offer?
My personal top 5 marine animals you could see at Tangalooma:
- Dugongs
- Inshore bottlenose dolphins (the wild dolphins)
- Whales in Winter
- Turtles
- Pelicans
Moreton Bay is deceptive on its coastal shore, but get out towards the islands Moreton and North Stradbroke Island and you will soon start to see that there is certainly more to this bay than at first meets the eye. Perhaps the secret lies in the sand?
North Stradbroke Island is the second largest sand island in the world behind Fraser Island (further north in Queensland) and Moreton Island is the 3rd largest. Immense amounts of white fine sand! They are not little outcrops in the bay, these are sizeable islands with hills and even buildings on the hills.
Towards the islands there are shallows where the sea grass grows and the dugongs graze. For me dugongs would have to be the top marine creatures to be seen in Moreton Bay. Dugongs are also referred to as sea cows and are related to manatees. The dugongs of Moreton Bay, according to the Tangalooma Eco Cruise guide, are unique in the world as they are the only dugongs that have been seen to herd. Usually dugongs are solitary animals, or so the researchers believe.
There are two other common marine mammals closely associated with Tangalooma. One is the inshore bottlenose dolphin. A pod of these wild dolphins is famous for their visits to Tangalooma. Resort guests are treated to a nightly dolphin feeding. These are wild dolphins so there are no guarantees that the dolphins will come visiting.
The other marine mammals that have a close association with Tangalooma are whales, more specifically humpback whales. Tangalooma was opened in 1952 as a land based whaling station, and had the dubious honour of being the largest in the southern hemisphere. After severe over hunting caused the whale population to decrease dramatically, in 1962 the whaling station at Tangalooma was closed. Tangalooma is an obvious choice for whale watching tours. During the Australian winter months humpback whales migrate north to the breeding grounds and pass by Moreton Island, some stopping off for a playful visit. From June to October whale watching tours are conducted by the Tangalooma resort.
Spotting turtles in Moreton Bay is really easy! One of the reasons is the incredibly clear blue green water and the white sand, making it so easy to see turtles. The first one I ever spotted in the water was here, and it was an impressive metre long!
Bringing up the rear in spot number 5 is the Australian Pelican. I know it is a bird, but it does spend a lot of time on the water and it eats fish, so I am counting it in. If you haven't seen a pelican up close, it is a very unsual animal. At Tangalooma there is often a good opportunity for a photo with the pelicans on the beach, a great souvenir of your trip.
Unusual Deep Sea Creatures
We are all familiar with dolphins, whales and sharks; we know what tuna and snapper look like, but what about some less familiar fish such as lizardfish, giant squid, or blind eels? There are so many lesser known animals in the depths of the ocean that we hear little or nothing about most times, it is interesting to investigate a few of these creatures and understand them a little more.
The first on our list of deep sea creatures is the fangtooth fish. This fish is one of the most evil looking ocean predators. It lives in the deep ocean and catches its prey by luring them in with glowing light organs called photophores. In such a dark abyss, fish are attracted to the light put off by the organ and once they are close enough the fangtooth fish catches them in his numerous large teeth. He looks like an underwater vampire.
Another carnivorous sea animal is the deep-sea lizardfish. These interesting fish look almost like a short snake in water. Their mouths are covered with harpoon-tipped teeth that grasp their prey and don't let go, similar to a fish hook. These teeth are hinged so that they can flattened down when prey is going in and stand up when resisting. They don’t even need to actively swallow; the struggling prey just ratchets itself inside. With their glowing yellow eyes, the lizardfish is a wonder to behold.
Often called the nastiest fish in the ocean, the blind eel is next on our list. These fish are called blind eels because they have such small, ineffective eyes. Who needs eyes when you are living in almost complete darkness? They prey on live or dead fish which they locate through smell. They have circular mouths that they use to suck on their prey. They have tooth-studded tongues that allow them to cut through their victims flesh and literally eat them from the inside out. They are also sometimes called slime eels because their skin emits a sticky slime, up to a gallon at a time. It is used to suffocate predators by clogging their gills when they attempt to eat the eel.
The last of our unusual deep sea animals, giant squid, has been the subject of tall tales for centuries. Until recently, however, these tales were dismissed as fiction. The only information we have on them comes from finding pieces of their bodies in the stomachs of sperm whales, or those that have been washed up on shore. Another area where their existence is apparent is on the skin of sperm whales where giant sucker scars can be seen after what must be epic battles between the two huge creatures. Giant squid can grow to the size of a school bus or bigger. They are carnivorous and have a long, torpedo shaped body. At one end, surrounding a beak-like mouth strong enough to cut through steel cable, are five pairs of arms. One pair, thinner and longer than the rest, is used to catch food and bring it to the mouth. Just past the mouth are the eyes, eyes that are the largest in the animal kingdom, getting as big as eighteen inches across. They are nearly impossible to photograph alive because they live in such deep waters.
It is interesting to think about what other types of deep sea animals exist that we haven't yet discovered. What wonders does the bottom of the ocean hold and can we ever know? With modern technology constantly searching for new ways to study the ocean floor, the possibility of finding new creatures becomes more real every day. For a world who thinks they have seen it all, the deep, deep ocean still holds the hope for something new.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
The mythology of the Midgard Serpent
Of all the creatures, the Norse mythology, the Migard (mito-Gard) Snake (Jrmungandr his real name) is undoubtedly one of the most feared. A huge snake circle large enough to cover the world, Jrmungandr is one of the three sons of the god Loki Trickster monstrous and the giantess Angrboa (Ang-r-Botha, which means the bearer of pain), while the others are the great wolf Fenrir and Hel, queen of the underworld.
Realization of the threat posed by this huge snake, the father of the gods, Odin, threw the serpent in the depths of the sea that surrounds them in all countries "(Prose Edda 34), where his writhing caused traffic congestion and movement wave. While at sea, has grown so large that Jrmungandr completely immersed in the world with its tail in its mouth, and so is an example of Ouroboros (a snake eating its tail, the circle fatal, life from death).
There are three main stories of Norse mythology of the snake Migard, all included in Prose Edda, the story of creation and the Nordic countries, by Snorri Sturluson in the thirteenth century. All of them belong to the god Thor, as the Migard Snake (or Migarsormr as it was in Old Icelandic) is the god of Nemesis. The first story is the story of Thor's visit to the house of the giant utgår-Loki. Thor is facing the challenge of multiple roles, none of which are as they seem. One of these is the abolition utgår-cat's Loki, Thor, and surprise, he is only able to raise a paw of the cat. But the day after the show hosts the truth, admitting "everything that you've seen an increase in the cat paws on the ground grew afraid, because this cat was not what it seemed. It 'was the snake is Migard so high that almost heaven "(Prose Edda 37).
The next story tells of Jrmungandr in the next chapter of the Prose Edda, known Hsdrpa (Hoose-Drow-pa) poetry art panels in the kitchen. In one of the photos, Thor is fishing in a boat with the huge Hymir. With the head of the largest Hymir Ox, Himinhrjot (He in HUR-Yot) as bait, Thor has a fear of sea snake. The description of the animals is truly frightening, a large, powerful snake, "spits out poison." Hymir cut the rope, preventing a fight between the two.
These two stories of the serpent said Migard are both in the past, and the third and final story of the divine animal is a prediction of what will Ragnark, the Nordic countries apocalypse. Finally, after the next Hymir missed the boat, you are in front of the god of thunder, Thor, in a battle that marked the end of the two of them. Enraged after his father suffered devoured Odin Fenrir the wolf, Thor Jrmungandr his old adversary, the "poison spews so much so that at a later time in the air and at sea" (Prose Edda 51).
The fight against the wild, Thor Jrmungandr finally overwhelms and kills him with his hammer, but it is very poisoned in the process. Although Migard Serpent die before his old enemies, Thor only nine steps before succumbing to the poison and falls dead. The end of Ragnark same symbolizes the snake came to see as Ouroboros, the company created from the ruins of the old, dead world, burned by the fire demon SURT, create a new world, free from the evils of the old.
And where has the myth of the snake Migard from? The most important source we have for the serpent is the Migard Prose Edda, which is not until the thirteenth century. Until then, it is certain that in Norse mythology, but without specific references, but it is impossible to say how long it has been a part of it. E 'state, at least at first myth Snorri Sturluson wrote the Prose Edda, as the history of fishing and the catch of Thor Jrmungandr is Altuna Vikings (Altunastenen), an eleventh century pagan Vikings in Sweden. It makes sense that they existed long before this show, because nobody else is history. Where, then, came the idea of a huge snake in the first place? The large number of similar animals in other cultures such as Celtic and Jewish Curruid Leviathan, certainly can not be a coincidence? First of all, a giant snake is the kind of beings that simply in the spring, the fantasy, and it is unlikely that they would have many cultures as part of their folklore. However, the Nordic countries, people do not live in a bubble, separated from the rest of the world, and is much more likely that because of war and trade, were able to test their ideas with other cultures and other societies' myths own. It is fact that, for example, long before the Prose Edda, there is the Vikings invaded Britain and it would be certainly more Celtic myths. But this myth was created, it is impossible for us to say where or how it began, and that we can make the connections between cultures and the similarities in their myths and folklore. One thing is certain, and that is Jrmungandr which remains one of the most feared of all animals known folklore.
Mythical Deep Sea Creatures
Tiamat the Babylonian God appears in the myths known as the "enum Elisa" ( "When on high"). As in many shops in the creation, which tells the story of how young people to overcome supplanted the gods and their ancestors. In "enum Elisa, Marduk, god of the city of Babylon, is elected by the other gods, as their leader in battle to Tiamat and her army of monsters. Mata Tiamat and Marduk created the sky and the land of his body.
Tiamat is the god of the sea. The name is derived from the Akkadian word tiamtum, the sea, may be related to the Hebrew tehom, "deep" in the Bible of the ocean. There is no evidence that she had a temple and priests. From "enum Elisa," which sometimes seems to be a woman, sometimes, the ocean itself, but if they are represented in art, it appears as a horned dragon.
At the beginning of time, your man Apsu and Tiamat, the god of fresh water, are the only creatures to life. Finally, you have many children, young people gods turbulent disturb your rest so that Apsu decides to kill Tiamat many more protests. He fails and is killed by God and.
Egged man Kingu, Tiamat prepares to attack the gods who killed Apsu. To help in the battle, which leads to a small army eleven monsters, including a dragon with seven heads (visible in the Ishtar Gate of Babylon), a lion-dragon, a lion-man, a scorpion-man, a fish-man, and a man-bull. God sent to stop the flight of terror, Marduk is only able to deal with it in exchange for other gods gave him the head of the pantheon.
Marduk's victory is swift and brutal. Armed with thunder and lightning, he led an "evil wind" by the gaping mouth of Tiamat, fill your belly, that pierced with a spear. Marduk used her body to the world. Its allies to become the slaves of the gods of victory, but relents and Marduk, using blood of Kingu, mankind has created to serve the gods instead.
At the same myths, another Babylonian god, Tishpak was sent by the gods of fear to kill a marine eccentric, the Dragon Labbu. In the Ugaritic myths neighbor, the new warrior god Baal defeated Yam, god of the sea and the chaos. Perhaps there is an echo of Marduk and Tiamat battle in biblical passages that describe God, defeat monsters of the sea (eg, Psalm 74 and Isaiah 27).
Deep Sea Sirens
Man fears the unknown. Myths, legends and folklore products is from the need to explain away secrets and fears, and as such, folklore is full of stories about animals, massive whirlpools or maelstrom and falling into the sea. On land or at sea, the world is full of puzzles, and new wonders to be discovered today. Movies like Jaws and Orca described the imagination of viewers everywhere, but could these myths, legends and movies are based on fact?
If you think dinosaurs and prehistoric animals and archaeological findings have suggested that the people lived at the same time as some of these creatures, it is not hard to see where this myth started. Someone pine edge of the water several times higher than ever seen anyone would imagine that the animals in the ocean. And indeed, it is amazing, the animals there.
Ron and Valerie Taylor have been searching for one of the secrets of the shark. The food machine is still terrorizing the people today, Taylor laboratory in light of this elk population is at sea, but on other questions. Teeth shark teeth found, but many times larger, urged people to ask about the secrets are deep. Megalodon, like Behemoth is mentioned, it is assumed that up to 60 "length size of the tooth compared to today's sharks.
Sharks are not the only secrets at sea. Whales today took a big Sucker trademarks of their pages. Some of these characters was as big as plates. A look at the suckers on the arms, the largest known squid and octopus, it does not seem to be ink-fish and octopus over 120 'long to live in the depths of the ocean. Could these creatures have beastly Humongous cracking myths? Very likely so. The word is cracking Swedish and means "internally displaced wood", which describes well be a squid with splayed and undulating tentacles.
Blue Whale is the largest mammal on earth. It may be extended to more than 100 'in length, and frightened or injured Blue Whale can easily be attacked and beat the wooden vessel. If a sailor accustomed to see the smaller fish, the ocean, this would be a monster from the deep. Sea snakes in the ocean to grow astonishing lengths, some may be more than 50 ". As they swim with undulating movements, they can Humps leading men to believe in sea monsters. Herman Melville's Moby Dick was on the basis of this creature.
Maelstrom, or whirlpools, which form the opposing currents due to meet. Each ship or small boat caught one of them would be pulled into the sea. Monsterous waves than we are now tidal waves would have to the evil force. Since these waves through turbulent undercurrents incredible pace, it would be not to swallow ships, and they still do. Other phenomena that cause major problems for sailors today. Studies have now shown that the gas bubbles from the seafloor to water less dense, and the ship can sink without warning. Wonder kudoimme angry men stories of monsters and the sea gods.
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